Saturday, June 12, 2010

21st-Century Technology in the Classroom

Creating areas of 21st century technology for students seems to be something students are already to engage. Most students love to explore computers and what can be accomplished on them. I found two new exciting websites contributing to force and motion. The first website connects to previous information from this physical science course where there are opportunities to construct a roller coaster. However, I found many other areas to explore on this site such as a skateboarding video with force and motion information as well as STEM career information. I found where there are gradient and speed and velocity areas too. This is an interactive site with teacher lesson plans and activities available. The second site I found was from a high school website by a teacher who has it interactive with animation. I found interesting and engaging. I will be able to incorporate it in my classroom. I found some power points and other demonstration type of websites that I will include at the bottom. However, I think we have been exposed to many good sites from this course we are taking.
I problem I may have in implementing these website is the new school I will be at will have limited access to technology in the classroom. There is no LCD in my room and only seven for the entire school. I will find a way.