Sunday, March 20, 2011

Effecting School Change

I started volunteering for the science club after school. I assist the man who has been doing science club since the school opened. He has his way of doing things and doen't want to change. He also hand picks who is in it for the most part because he likes to take them on trips; he would be upset if they were not appropriate at all times. This year I suggested we take the students to Huntsville space center, he didn't want to because they had planned for a different trip from last year. I asked, what about new students? What if they changed their minds? He did not want to talk about it. I asked if we could vote? He stated no. I asked if we could open an alternative time for robotics. He really is resisting all options.
I think the only alternative is to start another club maybe for regular education students since mostly it is advanced and gifted students in his club.

I have considered asking the principal if we can start a robotics club or explorers club.If you have any suggestions let me know. I do not want to step on his toes, but any student should be able to be in these clubs.

1 comment:

  1. Donna
    What if you called your club STEM and spent one quarter focusing on each thing. You could do robotics for one quarter and then change to something else the next quarter. I think it is great that you want to start a club without limiting who is in it and reaching out to all of your students. I am sure you will find some future scientists this way.
