Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ask A Scientist Experience

My experience with ask a scientist did not go well in my opinion. In fact it never went anywhere, these are the questions I submitted. How will the oil affect the offspring genetically of wood storks living in the oily marshland? Can oil residue left behind cause cancer or other mutations in the wood storks? What types of genetic mutations will the oil spill cause for all life including humans? Can genetic disorders occur because of things ingested from the parent to the offspring during pregnancy?
Each question gained the same answer stating; “Congratulations!Your question has been submitted Successfully. We will send a confirmation via e-mail and get back to you with a response as soon as we can.”
I have not received an e-mail confirmation or response from any of my questions. Therefore, I am frustrated. Maybe my questions were not suitable for the type of assistance provided from this particular web site. As I view other responses from colleages about their topics; I noticed their questions were more generalized about genetics and I revisited the site with this question; What are genetic disorders caused by? My response finally has some action. There is still no answer to my direct question; however, these are the related type of questions.
Is it possible to cause depression, bipolar disorder, and other such mood disorders by thinking? Could people who have larger numbers of synapses firing at once—more than the average person—be overusing or using up neurotransmitters in their brains, causing the proper proportions of these chemicals to change?
In the movie Lorenzo's Oil , parents were able to stop the progression of their son's genetic illness by using a refined complex lipid from olive oil. Is it possible that the function of complex lipids is impaired in people with autism? If so, could that be linked to vaccinations?
What is the genetic mechanism of Huntington's disease? What genetic tests are available that detect predisposition to Huntington's disease?
What kind of genetic tests are available that detect predisposition to heart arrhythmia?
What is the genetic mechanism of fragile X syndrome?
If protein aggregation is the main cause of both prion diseases and Alzheimer disease, why are prion diseases transmissible and Alzheimer is not?
How do the hippocampus, glutamate, and dopamine work in the brain?

This indicates that the questions I posed were not specific enough for the scientist for certain types of disorders. This experience spiked my curiosity. It made me ask several questions and keep going back for more. It has assisted me with the knowledge that when students ask questions they do not get answers for creates frustration and interest for knowledge.
I will use this site with my students as a class and for individual lessons. I will show them how sometimes you have to search more than your original question in hopes of countering their frustration levels. I believe it will be a good tool for students to use and learn from real world scientist. It will also assist in non traditional gender stereotype issues with science and technology careers.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Presentation Tools Review

I tried several websites including Prezent it, My Brain Shark, and Prezi.
The use of Prezent it was very agonizing. I could not find a tutorial. I usually like tutorials, so I became frustrated quickly. I would rank Prezent it as unfriendly. Therefore, I moved on to My Brain Shark.
I browsed my brain shark some. I thought it would be a great tool to use. I was excited about being able to voice over the power points I already have. I like the idea of being able to embed videos in the PowerPoint also not just a link to a website that may not be available when you need it. I still think this will be a great tool, but feel it will possibly take more time than I currently have to learn. Therefore, I will be checking it out more during the next break. I did notice that there fees with My Brain Shark if you want your material secured from the public and even more if you want their website to store your work.
I went to the Prezi website next and decided to try it. I downloaded the software and proceeded to work on a short presentation. It is user friendly, and has great effects. I did have a bit of trouble with the actual show after I placed my path. I will have to try to work on that detail. Although having a minor set back , I enjoyed using this site. I would rank it user friendly and enjoyable. I like the open canvas type style to work on. I hate everything in one position. I am not sure this has very much option for collaboration because I did not see any reference to it. I know it is accessible from home and I am still checking to see if the school will let me use it. There is a block on anything like this unless approved by the board of education. Just a bit of red tape, but reasonable. I think it will get the students attention with the movement and progression of views. Keep it short and sweet. Add lots of color and action. I did not find where it would do short videos or sound, but will be looking to see if I can use those with it. It does have fees; however, it seems to be free for educators. This site deserves a plus in my book.