Sunday, September 12, 2010

Presentation Tools Review

I tried several websites including Prezent it, My Brain Shark, and Prezi.
The use of Prezent it was very agonizing. I could not find a tutorial. I usually like tutorials, so I became frustrated quickly. I would rank Prezent it as unfriendly. Therefore, I moved on to My Brain Shark.
I browsed my brain shark some. I thought it would be a great tool to use. I was excited about being able to voice over the power points I already have. I like the idea of being able to embed videos in the PowerPoint also not just a link to a website that may not be available when you need it. I still think this will be a great tool, but feel it will possibly take more time than I currently have to learn. Therefore, I will be checking it out more during the next break. I did notice that there fees with My Brain Shark if you want your material secured from the public and even more if you want their website to store your work.
I went to the Prezi website next and decided to try it. I downloaded the software and proceeded to work on a short presentation. It is user friendly, and has great effects. I did have a bit of trouble with the actual show after I placed my path. I will have to try to work on that detail. Although having a minor set back , I enjoyed using this site. I would rank it user friendly and enjoyable. I like the open canvas type style to work on. I hate everything in one position. I am not sure this has very much option for collaboration because I did not see any reference to it. I know it is accessible from home and I am still checking to see if the school will let me use it. There is a block on anything like this unless approved by the board of education. Just a bit of red tape, but reasonable. I think it will get the students attention with the movement and progression of views. Keep it short and sweet. Add lots of color and action. I did not find where it would do short videos or sound, but will be looking to see if I can use those with it. It does have fees; however, it seems to be free for educators. This site deserves a plus in my book.

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