Sunday, November 21, 2010

Natural Disasters

The world around students is the area that touches their lives in the most personal way with real meaning. Teaching students about real world disasters assist them in becoming caring citizens of today and tomorrow. Some ideas I have about assisting students' to learn about natural disasters are have students to view videos of natural disasters then research some that are close to people they know and care about. They could conduct research similar to the one we were required to do that shows what types of disasters are the worst and why. Then they could meet as small group and produce a presentation for the class. This presentation is productive because students learn more when they teach others. Conducting class discussions to find which students that have been effected by disasters.

Some ideas how students' can assist with disaster relief are by collecting needed supplies, volunteering to organize and package supplies, and some may help rebuild homes and clear debris. When hurricane Katrina came through Students assisted the Red Cross and churches in gathering supplies, organizing and packaging those supplies. I had four young men that went to work with their parents in clearing and rebuilding the first few weeks after the disaster. I had two students that housed pets. I was proud to see them want to help others. Given the assistance students can be the productive citizens needed for the future.


  1. I found our assignment (choosing the natural disasters that affects earth and humankind the most) very interesting especially since students need to decide on what variables they will be looking at to decide.

  2. It is great that you have such caring students! You have great ideas for connecting students with their community.
