Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Modeling in the classroom

My classroom model was to demonstrate seismic waves with the students. The students stood in the front of the room and produced shear waves and compressional waves. Then we used a huge slinky stretched across the floor to view how those waves changed with energy. Students were able to identify the change in frequency and energy. They were able to understand and describe the movement of the waves and how they affected the ground with buildings on it. It was a successful model for most students. The students were engaged and learning. The students were able to experiment with smaller slinkys' at there desk after the first demonstration. It was a wonderful model to use. The student model in front of the class assisted student understanding of what to look for when using slinky.


  1. Hi Donna! This sounds like a really engaging lesson. Did you do any pretest before this activity? I found, upon reflecting on my model lesson, that I really could not show understanding coming from the use of the model because I was not sure what the students knew before the lesson.

  2. No I did not use a pretest. However, I realize that really is something I can use next time for this lesson. Thanks for the reflection it was useful.
